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Dead rabbit rta


Jun 12, 2019
Hi guys. I’m new to the forum. I’ve just purchased the above. I’m trying to save battery so have installed just one coil and alien Clapton. It’s pre made and I have given it and extra wrap.
It’s reading 0.5 ohms what watt should I vape on ? And what is safe. It’s running on a Geekvape ageis solo
40-50w I'd say at that sort of res. Should be safe enough on a regulated mod anyway. See what works best.
Hi guys. I’m new to the forum. I’ve just purchased the above. I’m trying to save battery so have installed just one coil and alien Clapton. It’s pre made and I have given it and extra wrap.
It’s reading 0.5 ohms what watt should I vape on ? And what is safe. It’s running on a Geekvape ageis solo
Start at about 30w and move up until the vape suits you, there's no right or wrong, and you'll be perfectly safe with your regulated mod.
Thanks guys. When you say regulated is that being able to alter the watts? To be honest the pre installed coil in the Cerberus tank was amazing at the start then the flavours went. The dead rabbit was set up as a dual at the start then I changed it today to a single and it still drinks the juice! I’ve had it upto 80 watts and the flavours nothing like the first coil. It works atm at any watt. Just need to get this amazing flavour every one is nannying on about when vaping.
Regulated means that your mod has circuitry and a chipset that implements various safety measures to prevent shorts and to keep the battery within safe limits etc. A mechanical mod is basically a battery in a tube with a fire button and can be dangerous to people who don't know how to use them safey.
As for the flavour, I've only tried a Dead Rabbit once but found the flavour to be not great. It's top airflow so it's not gonna give as good flavour as a bottom airflow and I imagine it would give less in single coil mode. I'd get used to the increase in juice usage with rebuildables coz they're all gonna be a bit thirsty in my experience.
Ok cheers. I have the Geekvape ageis solo I believe it has a chip inside
No problem. Yeah it does. Can't go wrong with regs really. If you get a short on your build or anything it just won't fire til you put it right.
I have a dead rabit rda flavour is spot on

That's a dripper though. They usually produce better flavour than a tank. I guess 'good flavour' is subjective though. I thought I wouldn't get better that my Kylin Mini until I got a Rebirth.
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