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Dead rabbit rta mtl 2 first build

theres a company called pc coils, owned by a beligian guy, his coils are pretty decent he offers both mtl and dtl coils handmade.

Another go to for me is any straight wire builds though ive shouted at my device a few times when springy wire has got me hot and flustered and it just wont go my way.

I always keep a device with prebuilt coils on hand for when i really butcher things up.

Ironically the best mtl coil i ever made was using some clapton wire meant for subohm vaping, but hey it worked, if i remember correctly they were UD wire shots.
Yeah I think I'll have another go at building when the coil I have needs changed but I'd like to have a pre built coil as a back up in case I make a mess of it again
A week on with this set up (dead rabbit rta mtl 2) being my daily vape and both the coil and the wick are still 100% with just over 100ml of banana flavored juice through it, coil is coming in at 0.77ohms and vaping at 20w, really happy with this tank 👍🏻
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A week on with this set up (dead rabbit rta mtl 2) being my daily vape and both the coil and the wick are still 100% with just over 100ml of banana flavored juice through it, coil is coming in at 0.77ohms and vaping at 20w, really happy with this tank 👍🏻
Good to hear.👍
Stripped and cleaned my MTL dead rabbit, ultra sonic cleaner. Ordered some coils, 0.7 and 1.03 ohm, once delivered I'll try again.

I'm happy to experiment.
It all comes down to experimenting, I've been building a few years and got a lot better. I was thinking just this morning, I don't know why I struggled so much at the start. Anyway...coils!

Most of my tanks I use a plain wire 26ga Ni80. 6 or 7 wraps 2.5mm id. But I decided to put a build in my True rta which just seems to work better with a clapton. I used some Vandyvape mtl superfine fused clapton wire 32ga*2+38ga, 6 wraps. Came out at 1 ohm and lovely at 13W.

Have another go at it, you will get it down. Give a plain wire a try, it might be easier to handle and get similar results. I used to make claptons all the time but as my wicking got better I'd get the same flavour out of a plain wire.
Got some of these to try


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I decided to rebuild this tank from the first time I put it together with the coil provided with it.
I got some mtl wire (30 x2, 38ga ni80) to try and here's how I got on.....

First problem was getting the deck off by lining the two dots up on the side of the tank, I couldn't get the bottom ring to turn for me and ended up having to undo the glass and get a hold of the chimney and finally I got the deck off.

I built a 2.5 id 8 wrap coil and put it on the deck, it came in at 0.4 ohms where I was hoping for 0.6-0.8 ohms. I did what I thought was a gentle heat up at
15w and immediately one of the legs burnt out.

I have given up for now and put the original coil back in, can anybody recommend some pre-built mtl coils I can try as I don't think the wire I have is suitable?
Same prob re getting access to the build deck, even wi a little bit of lube. Also pished itself a few times after the initial build and wick (2.5mm Kanthal x 6 wraps 1.o8 ohms). Rewicked wi less wick no fluffing and more room in the juice wells. Seems to be running ok now. Thing is, filled with Digby's Strawb and Cream (One of my fave juics) I taste almost nowt!, but stuck in some Lost Vapes Triple Mango and it is fanny-tastic! .....fuck knows?
Same prob re getting access to the build deck, even wi a little bit of lube. Also pished itself a few times after the initial build and wick (2.5mm Kanthal x 6 wraps 1.o8 ohms). Rewicked wi less wick no fluffing and more room in the juice wells. Seems to be running ok now. Thing is, filled with Digby's Strawb and Cream (One of my fave juics) I taste almost nowt!, but stuck in some Lost Vapes Triple Mango and it is fanny-tastic! .....fuck knows?
My deck freed up after a few fills and has no problems now, had good flavour with every juice I've had in it
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