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Diacetyl and related compounds

Bear in mind that tobacco smoke contains significant levels of diacetyl, far more than e liquid, so any eliquid is by definition harm reduction. I take it you've read the research by Farsalinos.

I've read so much I can't remember what is from where tbh. My understanding was that the effects were different - or maybe its just that the other nasties in smoke will kill you quicker!
I looked at a few of the TPA MSDSs and every fucking one of them states there's a risk if inhaled. What's the point of reading all that and carrying on vaping? Is that minimising all known risks?

That I'm taking as them covering their backsides.

Somehow you'll do the same as the other 99 people and draw a line somewhere in between and how you'll reach that decision has more to do with your personality than the available scientific information. One more line drawn in the sand.

Probably true - and I guess my line will probably by both wiggly, and motile.

RWith me it's line 27 - tomatoes. For these are the work of the devil. Great in salads, excellent when concentrated and spread on a pizza base. An abomination when sliced and added to sandwiches. The idea of vaping tomatoes goes against everything I've read in Leviticus and St Paul's Letters to the Corinthians. Stand by me mate. In a few years' time we'll be laughing at all those naysayers who carried on vaping Bloody Maries and Margherita pizza juices only to find that god in his infinite wisdom and mercy smote them all down by sending their batteries into thermal runaway and blowing holes through the back of their necks. I will have my venting vengeance sayeth the lord. Keep my tomatoes and the sabbath pure. Amen.

I've read so much I can't remember what is from where tbh. My understanding was that the effects were different - or maybe its just that the other nasties in smoke will kill you quicker!

Essentially, smoke nasties kill people so they don't really pay much attention to what diacetyl might have done. Inhaling it in smoke will be no different to any other medium, only really the levels of exposure over the period of time then whether you are in the percentage per 1000 likely to be affected.
I've read so much I can't remember what is from where tbh. My understanding was that the effects were different - or maybe its just that the other nasties in smoke will kill you quicker!

From what I've seen it is basically that although diacetyl from cigarettes is harmful, because of all the other chemicals mixed in with it, they were never able to differentiate the effect of diacetyl from the effects of the rest of the tobacco. It is only now that they have thought of what it could do by itself, rather than as a component of tobacco.
Obviously smokers aren't dropping dead of popcorn lung, but it has been suggested that diacetyl inhalation could be a major contributory factor in COPD.
Things like this have never really bothered me. If it tastes good, I'll vape it. Not bothered what's in it.

Same as when I was smoking, I enjoyed it so was never bothered by the potential risks involved.
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