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'Disposable' tanks


Feb 12, 2014

Was just wondering if anyone has a recommendation for a use and chuck clearomiser. I'm going away for a decent trip overseas and am thinking this might be the way to go for that 3-4 week period. I'm using the MVP 2

Thanks in advance

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I've bought CE4s from more trusted source than ebay and they were crap (since found they had a resistance of over 4ohms, so were unvapeable on an ego).

When I travelled, I took pretty much all my gear with me, but I did keep the cabin vape kit to the cheaper stuff I could afford to lose if any of the officials got iffy about them, so I took little FT 1ml tanks and 350/450mAh batteries - good tiny set-up for stealth vaping on the plane
If you have an iClear 16b you can buy new heads from myepack for £1.40 each if you buy five...no need to throw away the clearo and they do 1.5 ohm which is better than the 2.1 originals...
How about an old school 510 dripping atty? I use rebuildables almost exclusively but sometimes find myself reaching for ye old faithful 510 over a clearo/carto if I just need to grab something quickly.
Thanks as usual folks, great suggestions so I'll have a look around

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