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diy marzipan e juice


Apr 11, 2014
hi dont know if this is a silly question but i want to make a marzipan flavourd e juice but i dont know if it is just made of pg vg and almond flavouring or are there other flavourings in it and can anyone give me a recipie to make it
many thanks
Not even in Amaretto for me, which is surprising cos I do enjoy like you a snifter or three
of pretty much anything
And sorry twoca each to their own and all that... I will clear off out of your thread now... :P
Now I do love anything almondy; marzipan, biscotti amaretti, amaretto liqueur, but I can't quite imagine vaping marzipan except maybe in an xmas cake mix juice .... I have seen a marzipan flavouring though so if I can find it I'll post it here :)
Almond only flavouring added to a 50/50 mix tasted like marzipan to me & several mates who tried it(as I'm no fan of the sweet cake layer)
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