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DNA 30, Hana style mod, diy.


Oct 1, 2014
After building my first box mod enough confidence had been made to have a go at the more expensive hana style enclosure and DNA 30 chip, from Stealthvape. Took the advise offered and went for the upgraded tactile switches and purchased the 22mm OCD connector. First problem was that I struggled to find a 9mm/0.5 fine thread tap. So went for the fat daddy 22mm low profile V4 short connector, easily purchasing a 10mm/1.0mm tap. hana mod_5.jpgCut hole to 9mm. The connector then went in a dream. hana mod_4.jpg The tactile switches just popped out, after finding the right tool. The new ones required a dab of araldite. Next the chip cradle needed the attention of a hacksaw and file. Chip then soldered using the supplied cables, excellent quality. hana mod_3.jpgFound it very fiddly, but was doing it on a table top, without any assistance. Used doubled sided tape for the screen and battery holder.hana mod_2.jpgI was truly amazed to found it working when finished. :)hana mod_1.jpg
looking good iam building one of those style box`s into a box mod with a mosfet not very good with dna boards killed the last one (ft rubbish) i had its good that there quite easy to work on
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