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DNA 75 Color-250 Replay Color Themes

Reckon you can do a 'Simon's Cat' one?

I've just 3D printed one and he looks ace (my names Simon and I have a Cat)
Simons Cat
simons cat.png
Here you go @Vapaneezer Scrooge


  • simons cat.ecigtheme
    47.2 KB · Views: 154
Nice one, thank you.

I realised just after I posted that I shouldn't be so lazy and do my own, but very much appreciated :)
how difficult is it to put a theme on a paranormal 250c been thinking of putting one on but afraid i will cock it all up can i make a backup of the default theme first
Ignore that as i just done it,thanking you marcus68 as i used your theme hope you don't mind
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I only have the 75c but it uses the same software, it's VERY easy to setup a theme and even easier if you cock up and want to go back to defaults.

You can make a backup also, simply save your current theme.

Worth you having a play as it's one of the joys of having DNA's, I've messed up a few DIY themes but always got back.

If you find the user interface daunting perhaps youtube it, but I found it fairly simple on my first attempt.
i done it but didn't do a back up,only think i am having trouble with is to do try and enter a preset so i can use replay on a set temp on ss316l
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