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Does such a thing exist?


Apr 7, 2013
I've not seen these anywhere but...
I'm looking for a good quality battery charger, -that I can check my batteries on,- and my atties too.

Probably not, but a gal can ask :D
Thanks @jester, - may well end up with something like that.
Just thought it would be really good to have a piece of kit that was a 'one stop shop', before I took the plunge & bought separately
Buy a multimeter. Can check anything then. There's isn't an all in one device but can't see the sense on buying an ohm checker and voltage check eking device separately when a cheap multimeter will do everything apart from charge batteries. Multimeter, charger. Sorted.

I agree with Mason.

Buy a half decent multimeter.

Look on ebay for flukes, look for one a tradesman is selling on rather than a clone. You can get them calibrated if your going silly with coils, personally I dont trust a ten pound ohm checker when I can use my fluke but that's me.
Got a multimeter but don't know how to use it.

​Did I just say that in public? :D
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For resistance and volt checking its easy. Set to volts dc (line above dots for dc, wavy line for ac) and touch black to negative red to positive and you've got your volt reading. You want the setting closest to 4.2v (could be ten or twenty depending on meter) for resistance leave the probe wires in the same holes, select the ohms setting (could be an omega sign) it'll probably be the ten ohm setting you need. Touch the leads together and note the reading, touch to the negative screw and positive screw, note the reading. Subract the first reading from the second and thats your resistance.

If this is not clear I'll take sone pictures for you.
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