One has to reckon upon the reality that vaping awards you with a unique bearing, a spiritualized dignity, a mysterious air, an inexplicable quality. The most extended faculty of language fails here to accurately grasp that special something which vaping bestows upon those who are related with it. It's like when you think of football your blood boils, your cheek reddens and you start to have difficulty breathing or blinking your eyes. This vaping thing takes your most inherent essence and transforms them, consolidating floating thin silver rays into a transcending existence which is above human quality. Vaping spiritualizes singularity, idolizes individualism, and worships humanism. The mass are vulgar, according not only to Hume, but also a dozen other philosophers, and people are seeking something which is special, unique, one-of-a-kind, yet absolutely human. Vaping miraculously fits in these heart-searches and gives men (a human being of either sex) a hope to struggle for sovereignty against the higher beings, and though wicked it is, men (a human being of either sex) revel in dark and decadent beauties such as this. It is considered attractive almost universally in this post-modern society we live in.
This is no less reality than the physical existences which cry unto us their finality every minute. This is no imaginary projection of the mind. This is a just and fair recognition of the fact that vaping makes one more attractive.
Ours is an old and dusty world, and we cannot be surprised by that we are attracted to people who care to renew their appearances and abstract their essences by the strangely effective means of vaping.