You’ve done the right thing by asking, so good on you.
However, remember that in a mechanical mod there is no protection given by the chipset whatsoever, meaning that you could quite easily exceed the safe parameters of a battery - namely the CDR (continuous discharge rating), as you do this the battery heats up and best case would vent, worse case would explode if the battery casing isn’t correct or gases can’t escape, etc.
The main cause of this would be either a hard short or by using coils with a very low resistance.
I’d suggest doing some research on here first and there are a lot of people that can help you as we’re quite a friendly bunch.
BUT - none of want to see someone blow their face off, it’ll be a bad day for you and a bad day for all of us, we don’t want to give people any more reasons to state vaping is bad or dangerous, hence why this is a heated topic.
And oldhippydude is 100% correct - DO NOT blindly install coils onto a Mech without understanding that the build is correct (I.e. no shorts) and that the resistance is at a safe level for the battery setup you’re using.