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Drag 2 Platinum (Island) with MAAT Tank

I will add now that I wish the tanks airflow control had the stoppers for different options instead of a slider without.
I will add now that I wish the tanks airflow control had the stoppers for different options instead of a slider without.
Great review but i don't know what the airflow is like after reading it, is it wide open or restrictive? does it compare to anything else? Is it noisy or Quiet?
Anytime get your name down on the giveaway and you can have a chance to try it lol
I would have done mate but i just won a sense kit off Ash to have a play with and i dont wanna enter too many giveaways and get a name for myself [emoji3] ill just pick one up and try it at some point when i run out of coils for the ello duro in a few weeks
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