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Drilling out airholes

Odd, my igo W came with twin air holes! If you don't have a vice I fear for your fingers, however I'm a firm believer in do whatever you want so if you are going to try it regardless, make sure you've got it mounted or stuck somewhere it isn't gonna move, and I mean literally won't move.

There's these little devices you can get that allow you to punch a marking point into the metal, they're like a small ball point pen you press hard against the spot you want to drill, however the name escapes me, certainly makes it easier! Hopefully another member will know what I'm on about and pitch in as to what their name is :)
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Ty 4 the advice evey1!
I've done it! I used the towel technique that driver said about, I've only opened up the airhole that was there! I'll maybe try make'n the new hole later. I looked through my drill bits & the smallest I have is 3mil lol so it's a big ol hole O lol but I'm happy with it a few scratches but I'm not bothered tbh
With the way it's performing I doubt it needs another hole! I'm happy with the single coil atm. I'll most likely get another rda anyways lol.
My Igo W has a nipple.
Tried drilling the second hole from the inside (Through the first)... didn't work... Broke 2 drill bits and melted another :(Webcam-1392574411.jpg
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