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Dripping hardware.

306's are 510 connections :) they should fit just fine without an adapter.

You can get a 306 drip shield and use a regular 510 drip tip as well
The Ikenvape will deffo fit on your Lavatube - I suspect most 306s will - without an adapter. The thread is 510 (despite the 306 name - vaping is designed to confoooooose).
You using an Igo l now
I've had it since before Xmas. I tend to use my aga-s but for trying new mixes or this nights when I can't decide what flavour I fancy it just can't be beat.
Regarding the igo l, follow the instructions in the below video, and you will have no hassle:

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Regarding the igo l, follow the instructions in the below video, and you will have no hassle:

I really think I want one of these.

Hows it look on the Provari ?
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Looks good, by the way, I don't think he does it in this video, but the wire you use to make a coil, run it through a flame from a match or a lighter, and it will be easier to manipulate.
I really think I want one of these.

Hows it look on the Provari ?
I would LOVE a rebuild able like that, but I have no idea what I'm doing and fear I wouldn't actually be able to rebuild it no matter how many you tube vids I watch lol! I have defo been thinking of getting a rebuildable though so this looks like a good place to start. Thank you

I was exactly the same, I was dripping for 8 months and kept thinking rebuildables would be too tricky for me and my shaky gorilla paws, got my hands on a vision eternity rebuildable and was amazed how easy it is. First coil I made was 1.2Ω the second was 1.6Ω, think I'm going to try for a 2Ω with my next one. The only part I struggle with is finding my wire when I accidentaly drop it haha.
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