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I seen the safercigs links here, but i thought you needed a separate mouthpiece/stem?
What are you after mate?
A boring ol' pre-made dripper.
An awesome, super duper dripper you fiddle with?

Hi mate, just looking for a cheapo pre made complete dripper to get quickly rather than later, as i need to test out some juices. You have a link? safercigs? Thanks
Hi mate, just looking for a cheapo pre made complete dripper to get quickly rather than later, as i need to test out some juices. You have a link? safercigs? Thanks

That's the only one on Safercigs, and for the price of just over two of them, you could buy an Igo-L from them...


Which is rebuildable, so it'll save you some cash in the long run.

The bridgeless attie doesn't need a mouth piece (Comes with one) :)
Nice bit of kit Raguri

Tell me, how do you know when the juice is run out when you're dripping? dry hit? burnt taste? Plastic mouthfull?

At first the flavour will drop off (Noticeable)
If you then carry on, You'll get a very VERY hot dry tip.... Never tried a bridgeless actually, started on rebuildables and stuck with them :P
At first the flavour will drop off (Noticeable)
If you then carry on, You'll get a very VERY hot dry tip.... Never tried a bridgeless actually, started on rebuildables and stuck with them :P

Thanks pal; what is a Bridge and a Bridgeless btw????
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