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Dripworx E-Liquid Review.

I'll be honest, at first the #cream custard I thought was good but not amazing, the creamy exhale was fantastic but I felt it was lacking something in the custard. Alas, I was wrong! Spent a bit more time dialling it in and it's fantastic!!! As is the peach equally amazing. I've spent a few hours today constantly trying it at different wattages, different builds etc so I can write a full review like this. In those hours I've literally written 20 words, spent the whole time sitting here just enjoying it and forgetting to write!!! It'll come in time! I thought nothing could ever match up to Tom's callicustard (south coast) but this is right up there. They're quite different in taste but both so creamy and delicious!
I found my sweet spot with the custard at 80watts in my Rem creation RDA on a 0.25ohm coil. It was singing to me.
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