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Dual coil build


Mar 5, 2014
If I build a dual coil the resistance is (r1 + r2)/2 but the ohm meter shows total resistance and it's not divided by 2 so my dual coil build of 2.32 ohms is 2 coils of 2.32 ohm average each?
ImageUploadedByPlanet of the Vapes1394284908.772123.jpg
And if my dual coil is made of one piece of wire is it officially a dual coil?
Sorry the maths does my head in at times

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If your 2 coils were 2.32 each then your resistance should half giving you a 1.1 build so somethings gone amiss. Also looking at the build your coil on the left appears to be touching (top 2 on the left coil) which would count those 2 wraps as one. Or your meter is having a moment ; (

When you say 1 piece of wire you do mean 1 piece was used to make 2 seperate coils ??? if so then all should be good. If the coils are still connected to each other then it will not read as 2 coils as only 1 length of wire

Resistance is more down to wire length and not just no. of wraps

I build coils using either a 1.5mm or 2mm drill bit depending on the device 7-8 wraps of 0.25 kanthal usually gives me around 1.7 -1.9 I do more wraps on a dual coil setup usually 12 wraps each coil gives me around 2.8 making the dual setup 1.4 ohm

there are many vids to watch I'm sure todd has one on the aqua or watch


Hope this helps ; )
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You do need to tidy the coils up a bit, as @stoobs points out the top wrap on the left coil is touching,as is the bottom right one on the right coil,you also have a gap on the top of the right hand coil. All these things add up to inconsistency in a build.

It was one piece of wire, I've fiddled about to get it straightened up and it's dropped to 1.35 ohms, think I will finish the build off and see what happens

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Lol, it's now settled at 2.2 with wraps evenly spread so the tops on and I'm about to fill it. It would be easier if the aqua had screws with proper heads rather than ones you tighten by hand

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I found the Aqua fairly simple to build on due to the thumb screws but hey ho no two people are the same hope it all goes well mate ; )
Hmm, not sure it's right, gone to 2.54 with the outer casing on, hope I'm not going to have to do a new build in a few mins lol

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Thanks for the help guys, and stoobs my thumbs are too big I think

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Hmm, not sure it's right, gone to 2.54 with the outer casing on, hope I'm not going to have to do a new build in a few mins lol

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Can you just confirm again you are building a dual coil from one piece of wire. If so then this is your problem, and looking at the right hand coil in your pic I would say it is a bit close to the casing thread. If you are not already doing so I would suggest two single coils, push something like an 18guage needle through the silica and wrap your ribbon wire fairly tight, and then leaving the needle in place fix your coils.
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