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Dual Coils With Different Flavours


Feb 20, 2015
I ordered some Smoked Custard from Nicks Blissfull Vapes but I'm too impatient to wait for my vape mail.
Whilst rebuilding my dripper with a dual coil I decided to load up each wick with a different flavour. Being intrigued by the smoked custard I carefully wet one wick with RY4 and one with Custards Last Stand and fired up. Boom I was punched in the face with a delicious rendition of custard mixed with the tobacco flavour of RY4.
I thought that someone else must have tried this but either they haven't posted anything or I'm just not searching for the right thing.
I know people mix liquids to achieve the same thing but has anyone else tried doing it by adding different flavours to each wick?
Also not being a coil master could you build the coils at different ohms to make one flavour more prominent?
With drippers you can get away with the experimenting, it's easy to rewick if it doesn't work & there's not much liquid waste. I've dome the same mix before, custard & ry4, i used to drip custard & add a little butterscotch too. I've tried a few others too.
Regarding the different resistance coils, try it ! See what happens. One will heat quicker than the other but why not try it. I can't see there's much to be gained really but i'm not one to dismiss an idea.
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