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Dv roast chicken and smokey bacon

If you thought the bacon was bad.. Did anyone try this at vapefest?? I hear a lot of people gagged on it.. ImageUploadedByPlanet of the Vapes1408049562.540676.jpg

Trouble is I liked it...

Spin my nipple nuts and send me to Alaska
lol couldnt stop loling at the smokey bacon gagging, brave man for trying it after the first gag
Am I the only one that was loling like my life depended on it? I found this pretty funny!
Am I the only sick b@stard that was mentally willing him to take another blast ..... and another :muhaha::sick: .... I suppose juice reviewers gotta take the bad with the good. I mean if it was a real nice juice being reviewed you would expect to see quite a few decent big drags so its only fair to see the same with the mingers so well done. BIG THANKS for cheering me up ..lol. honestly, had tears in my eyes :rotflmao:
If you ever want to do a review of a juice that makes that smokey bacon seem pleasant by comparison I have some blue cheese flavour concentrate that you can try... just don't blame me if you need a dose of anti emetics to stop the copious vomiting afterwards. ..
If you ever want to do a review of a juice that makes that smokey bacon seem pleasant by comparison I have some blue cheese flavour concentrate that you can try... just don't blame me if you need a dose of anti emetics to stop the copious vomiting afterwards. ..

Hey, if you don't mind shipping things out to the states I will take it, and i will NOT LIKE IT!!!!

bbf90b can't afford to currently but if you don't mind waiting for it then yeah sure... as long as you can film it

What kind of person wouldnt film it?? I shall wait patiently for my bottle of death juice. I don't like Bleu Cheese to begin with so this should be fun [x
bbf90b let me know details via pm... I will send you some as and when possible. .. may have to keep some back for local juice challenges etc... as a concentrate it's very strong and does need diluting. .. would you like it premixed? Let me know strength of juice etc...
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