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E-Cigs face new restrictions


Apr 1, 2013
BBC website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-22870301 Electronic cigarettes will be licensed as a medicine in the UK from 2016, under new regulations.
The UK currently has few restrictions on the use of e-cigarettes, despite moves in some countries to ban them.
The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency says it will regulate e-cigarettes as medicines when new European tobacco laws come into force. Jeremy Mean of the The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) said the government had concluded that e-cigarettes currently on the market do not meet appropriate standards of safety, quality and efficacy.
Not recommended He said there would be no compulsory licensing of the products until 2016 but until then they were not recommended for use.
He told a news conference: "We c an't recommend these products because their safety and quality is not assured, and so we will recommend that people don't use them."
The MHRA had decided not to ban the products entirely but to work towards a position where they are licensed, he added.
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The MHRA had decided not to ban the products entirely but to work towards a position where they are licensed, he added.


The MHRA had decided not to ban the products entirely but to work towards a position where the government can work out how to earn money from them, he added.

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