Lots to be honest - anything with lots of sweetener in, NET's and tobaccos can be hard on them too.what e liquid kills coils
no i wont e liquid that wont kill coilsAre you in the market for some coil killing juice?
* scratches head *
It's catch 22. My fav juices kill my coils and last me 3-5 days or I can vape something that tastes like my granny's flip flop for two weeks
+1elements for me is one that absolutely batters them. tasty though.
i have bad drip can that go in a tankA lot of Malaysian juices are coil killers like Nasty juice if you are using stock coils then you may find it better to use 70/30 rather than 80/20 juices........
Sorry mate i dont no that one but iam sure someone will be able to tell you more about that one........i have bad drip can that go in a tank