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Ecig that looks like real cig

I was on e-lites for a year and it cost me a fortune £7.99 for 2 cartos which lasted 2-3 days and tasted crap
I then switched to 10 Motives which tasted better and were £5.99 per cig, but they lasted longer than 2 elites
Then I saw the light and switched to an Ego Ce-5 which I thought was massive lol but the difference in price, vapour and taste was amazing!

Then began the Shiney-itis

I got a Protank and stuck it on my E-go WOW!!!!!!
Then I got a Vamo V5 and a hypertank and suddenly my Vaping world changed and the Ce-5's suddenly seemed tiny

Seriously if you are still using the overpriced, under performing "vaping" cigarettes you should look into something a bit bigger, or at least try out someones Vaping unit to see what you are missing

But if you really want a cigarette style one, go for a refillable one like these



For too long I stuck with e-lites (more expensive than roll ups), then moved onto Inoken & Boge cartos. They just didn't do it for me I would use batteries faster than I could charge them (needed 5 batteries and 3 chargers) I had a few bad days when I would go and smoke 20 or 40 Malabo. Tried using eGo batteries which were much better, kept me happy for a month or two, but as I bought cheap ones they had already lost a lot of capacity and I thought time to separate the battery from the device and got a 18350 LavaTube cheap (VV device). This made life much easier and was happy for maybe six months with 9 18350 batteries which are still in service. During this time went form cartos to ViviNova which really saved money (I got through over 150 cartos including the e-lites) as now I could rebuild the coils for pennies. I still had the odd day where I smoked, so went for a genesis atomiser the AGA T2 and a larger battery device an eVic (which only lasted 6 months) this was great no more fags since then. Now on mechanicals with high current 18650 batteries and mainly genesis atomisers Steam Turbine and Kraken clones are vape of choice and a Kayfun for out and about and I feel these are enough to keep me off fags for good.

The moral of the story is its a journey, if you are like me you will have to get past the having a big device thing (I resisted for too long) and vaping will get much cheaper and more enjoyable and its not that bad at least people don't mistake them for cigarettes. You get used to it pretty quick and I don't feel at all self-conscious using a bigger device in public.

I have spent a lot on gear, but the batteries I have I will use until they ware out, the atties will be useful until I break the glass tanks and mixing my own liquid it only costs 56 p per ml, genesis wicks can last months and cotton-wool with micro-coils on Kayfuns are less than a penny a day.

Best of luck and I hope you find a way that your happy with to keep off tobacco.
Good luck fella myepack have some reasonably priced dekang liquid on their site or if u want to try a few different ones smoke rainbow does 1ml samples from a lot of brands for 60-70p each best of luck on your journey

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I have been vaping for about 5 months now. Started with an Joyetech eRoll, which I enjoyed quite a lot initially. Flavour was pretty good. However, I thought the draw on these was rather tight.. and the main drawback for me was constantly filling the tanks.. battery life was ok, since you could recharche by putting the ecig back in the charging case (ECC).

After a month or two, I switched to an Innokin MVP v2 with some Protank 2s.. which I am (still) enjoying even more.. ;)

If I had to do it all over again, I would probably skip on the eRoll, and start out with the MVP (or an iTaste VV) immediately. In the end, it's pretty certain that you will want to swith to something better / more advanced quickly. So in the end you will save money.
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