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Ecigs on anglia news right now


Staff member
Jul 11, 2012
Looks complimentary, mep Vicky ford was on supporting it and ecig wizard did abit. All pretty good. Ash are being abit on the fence talking bollox about the need for regulation though he just said they are enormously better than cigarettes
Seen it on central news, seemed quite positive I thought.
Yep, sorry it was abit vague but I was trying not to burn my dinner! They showed ecig wizard's juice making faculty and said that although the machinery is Chinese, the rest is being produced locally in the uk. The ash bloke was saying that the regulation should be fairly light and they should be available over he counter anywhere that tobacco is sold. He did also say that ecigs are helpful but still 2/3rds of vapers go back to smoking because they are not getting the satisfaction they require (might not have been 2/3rds). It was the lead story on the news though (must be a quiet news day!).
I can't believe anything close to 2/3 return to smoking, but even if they do- that's still a 33% success rate at getting people off cigs - a lot better than the 5% achieved by the regulated NRTs!!
That's the best sort of advertising there is. Free as well.
I wonder how many smokers where watching that.
And I wonder how many didn't know there's 200 flavours to choose from. And that's only 1 supplier.
Vicky Ford is a friend to ecigs and one of a growing number. We need more..
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