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Eden Mods Rose V4, Taifun GT4 and Atmizoo Tripod. Genuine prefered.

Thanks @mattc1 I've been thinking about buying it for days, watched loads of reviews and mulled over if to get genuine or clone. Even considered the 2ml all glass version but the 2ml limit put me off.

I've just bought the updated design version and the chimney to increase juice capacity :) I'm sure I'll forget about the cash as soon as I start playing with the tank :D
A good extra is the Steam Turners Nano Kit. But its been out of stock for along time. And I have been told they are not getting back to purchase orders either :(
I did have my eye on them @mattc1. I think I can deal with the large size if it's nice. If I end up hating the size and can't find a steam tuners nano kit I'll get the all glass kit and cope with the 2ml limit.

This thread was quite a success. I was convinced to get the gt4 so that's off the wanted list. A member has sold me a Tripod with steam tuners kit for a really good price so that's off the list too and Rob has also messaged me to let me know of a full sized Rose V3 he seen for sale on Facebook.

I can't buy all 3 in 1 go and convince myself it's justifiable so I will let the Rose pass for this week :)

Thanks everyone, I'm all excited for the postie to visit again. I feel like he might as well move in to my place with how often he's visiting lately :D

@Rob I'll mark this as completed. When I have spare cash for the Rose V3 I'll start a new thread. Thanks again.
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A good extra is the Steam Turners Nano Kit. But its been out of stock for along time. And I have been told they are not getting back to purchase orders either :(
I had an ST nano kit - it fell to pieces on me and I don’t use tank crackers.
A good extra is the Steam Turners Nano Kit. But its been out of stock for along time. And I have been told they are not getting back to purchase orders either :(
I emailed Creme de Vape about the Steam Tuners nano kit because the site listed them as back soon.

This was the reply:
Yes SteamTuners are working on our order and we hope to have those back in stock at some point in the next month or so. Be sure you are subscribed to the email notification on the product OK.

Kind regards,

So good news :) ...
I had an ST nano kit - it fell to pieces on me and I don’t use tank crackers.
... or not.

I'll be giving it a go and hoping Mawsley was just heavy handed and mine has a long life :D
I emailed Creme de Vape about the Steam Tuners nano kit because the site listed them as back soon.

This was the reply:

So good news :) ...

... or not.

I'll be giving it a go and hoping Mawsley was just heavy handed and mine has a long life :D
I spoke to Keith last week, and they are not getting back to he's purchase order for them
But when I did have one (I left a bag of bits in Crete on holiday when leaving) it was good, and had no problems?
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