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Edinburgh Vape event


Jul 22, 2012
Our creative staff who include members of 2 bands and a DJ have come up with the idea of holding a Vape event in one of the Edinburgh clubs.

This idea is very much in its' infancy, currently one club has said it would be interested in having the event, but it would be good to have an idea of interest.

So Edinburgh club, 2 bands and a DJ playing, some liquids and bits and bobs to play with available and an evening of socialising and drinking.


Still not any decision on date but maybe around May.

Anybody interested ?
If they had a quieter lounge, I think I could get a few. Not all vapours though, but supporters. Love dancing just can't stand the volume when not on the floor. I think it may have been loud music in the 60's and 70's etc etc
Better having a "Do" in a pub, rather than a nightclub....not everyone's into clublife.....
Agree pub would be better nothing worse trying to socialize with a booming sound system in the background.
theyre probably saying listen to they old buggers moaning about a club night I never liked clubs they freaked me out when I was wasted and now I don't drink I think the freaked outedness would be worse
Think theres a vape friendly boozer in gorgie near emporium vapour. Maybe a live band in a smaller venue to help promote the staff members band. Somewhere with a lounge and function suite might be best bet?
I could also be a possibility with a few others :-)
Ok guys we have a date set for this now.

Sunday the 18th of May, chosen because it is our 2 year anniversary of opening our Gorgie Shop in Edinburgh.

The venue will be Henry's Cellar Bar : http://www.henryscellarbar.com/

We will be offering a quiet time at the start of the evening, with wrapping and coiling workshops. Also a testing table.

As the night progresses we will have a range of entertainments to get you in the party mood.

Oh and did I mention...................freebies including shinies and of course no event would be complete without the opportunity of some free drink !

Full details to follow.
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