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Elderflower and Mandarin Martini


Jul 28, 2016
Hi All,

I'm currently trying to make a nice Elderflower and Mandarin Martini vape.

I have flavors I like for Elderflower and Mandarin but I'm unsure whether I should use a Martini concentrate or small % of mint to give it that martini flavour?

What would your recommend?
Not sure whether mint would work as you need to try and get the same sort of botanicals you get in both gin and vermouth, so juniper and stuff like that. Im not a diy'er so can't really help but I think mint may be the wrong direction personally
Sod making that into a juice, that'll make a damned finest kind friday stress relief medicinal drink!!

No sign of Martini, Gin or Vermouth Concentrates on my usual haunts.
You might, if you are feeling very brave - and I cannot in anyway recommend this as I don't know what goes into actual Vermouths what you can but - is add some actual Vermouth into the mix. Use it as flavouring and VG dilutant.

Again, cannot recommend as there might be some nasties or iffy's in the vermouth you buy!!!
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