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Eleaf i just s vape pen y'all

abdul mouiz

New Member
May 1, 2018
Ok hi guys, new vaper here. Enjoying the new vape pen tbh. But these day something seems to be a little off. My liquid was gurgling and tank was leaking from airflows and spitback was happening, then changed coils, no leaks no gurgling but couldnt get flavour. Changed my flavour to 70 vg 30, flavour got a little tasteful but the liquid still got deposited in airflows but with no gurgling no spitback. What might be the issue? Help pls.
1st :hello:and :welcome1:to the planet... now are you leaving the air flow holes open when filling your tank if so that can make it leak try closing them when you fill the tank sometimes that can work .....
Welcome to POTV

Did you get it sorted?
You haven't cleaned your tank recently and possibly dropped a rubber seal out of it?
:hello:& :welcome2: to the planet Abdul! :)2

Did you manage to solve the problem? You didn't say what set up your using, but there can be several reason for the leaking, I wonder if a seal is missing?
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