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Eleaf iStick Power 2 puff counter - never moves to new day


Jun 20, 2017
I just picked up the Eleaf iStick Power 2 and am really happy with it so far, but I have one issue which i can't seem to get to the bottom of.

The puff counter, both shown on the main screen and in a 7-day breakdown within the menu - seems to only attribute puffs to Day 1 in the graph and I can't figure out how to move it onto the next day, or whether this should happen automatically. Either way, all I'm able to do is reset the counter from the menu, which puts the puff count back to zero and removes the bar for Day 1 in the graph.

Anyone else had this issue and know how I can get this working as intended? I tried highlighting Day 2 in the graph and pressing a variety of different button combinations, but nothing seemed to work and the instructions that came with the mod say nothing about this.
I just picked up the Eleaf iStick Power 2 and am really happy with it so far, but I have one issue which i can't seem to get to the bottom of.

The puff counter, both shown on the main screen and in a 7-day breakdown within the menu - seems to only attribute puffs to Day 1 in the graph and I can't figure out how to move it onto the next day, or whether this should happen automatically. Either way, all I'm able to do is reset the counter from the menu, which puts the puff count back to zero and removes the bar for Day 1 in the graph.

Anyone else had this issue and know how I can get this working as intended? I tried highlighting Day 2 in the graph and pressing a variety of different button combinations, but nothing seemed to work and the instructions that came with the mod say nothing about this.
I hate these so called puff counters. I just don’t get them. Who the fuck wants to know how many puffs you take during the day? It’s not like you are going to save on juice consumption or something just cos you have a juice counter or summat. “ Oh look, I’ve had 83 puffs today. Hard as fuck me.” Just vape and stop fuckin about. Whatever next. Piss counters so you can see the time wasted by pissing Instead of vaping. Get a fucking grip.
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I hate these so called puff counters. I just down get them.
I think a lot of people like them if they want to try and monitor or regulate the amount they vape, for various reasons. I can see how it's helpful in those situations.
I think a lot of people like them if they want to try and monitor or regulate the amount they vape, for various reasons. I can see how it's helpful in those situations.
I can’t. Either vape or don’t. If you fancy a vape then have one and stop when you have had enough. Not fucking rocket science is it.
I hate these so called puff counters. I just down get them.

They have many uses. :)

How many puffs longer does battery A last over battery B on average, which battery should I buy next time?
I know I usually get around 300 puffs out of a battery, the counter says 200, so it should last fine while I pop out for an hour.
If I lower my nicotine will that mean I just take more puffs during the day to balance the nicotine intake out?
These new coils are rubbish, I usually get 200 puffs out of the old ones but I'm getting half that out of these, I'll go back to the others.
If I vape at 15w instead of 13w will that dramatically shorten battery or coil life?

.. etc. I understand that you might not care about any of that, but that's no reason to hate them. :D

But I've never even heard of a 7 day one before, so can't help I'm afraid. @3N1GM4
I can’t. Either vape or don’t. If you fancy a vape then have one and stop when you have had enough. Not fucking rocket science is it.
Wow, ok, thanks for the helpful and friendly advice, jeez.
Puff counters can be a convenient guide, but they only tell you how many hits you've take - 150 3 second hits is more vape time than 200 2 second hits so they are a very rough guide unless every hit you take is the same duration. I've pretty much given up on them - but I do find them useful on mods with battery bars that show full until the batteries are at half charge then start to plummet as it helps me figure out if I need a battery swap or top up charge before going out for the day..

It is irritating if a feature you would use doesn't work properly though. If you can't figure out the problem I'd just reset it each day and try to remember how many hits you took the day before. Personally I judge how much I'm vaping by how much juice I get through in a week - it's the only system that is reliable.
The only time I even look at the puff counter it's when I'm using a stock coil & want to see how it got before coil needed replacing
Sounds obvious and I'm sure you've done it but have you set the time.
I'm not familiar with the new power mod (although I think it looks nice) but the front end looks very drag like and I know they require you to set the time and date first.
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