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Eleaf iStick Power 2 puff counter - never moves to new day

I just picked up the Eleaf iStick Power 2 and am really happy with it so far, but I have one issue which i can't seem to get to the bottom of.

The puff counter, both shown on the main screen and in a 7-day breakdown within the menu - seems to only attribute puffs to Day 1 in the graph and I can't figure out how to move it onto the next day, or whether this should happen automatically. Either way, all I'm able to do is reset the counter from the menu, which puts the puff count back to zero and removes the bar for Day 1 in the graph.

Anyone else had this issue and know how I can get this working as intended? I tried highlighting Day 2 in the graph and pressing a variety of different button combinations, but nothing seemed to work and the instructions that came with the mod say nothing about this.

It should just do it automatically mate. I used one for a bit and although I don't really look at puff counters it did move onto the 2nd and 3rd days etc automatically for me as I saw it when I was looking in the menu a few times.

Can't remember if there's a way to reset defaults on the mod but if you can do that then that might fix it.
I hate these so called puff counters. I just don’t get them. Who the fuck wants to know how many puffs you take during the day? It’s not like you are going to save on juice consumption or something just cos you have a juice counter or summat. “ Oh look, I’ve had 83 puffs today. Hard as fuck me.” Just vape and stop fuckin about. Whatever next. Piss counters so you can see the time wasted by pissing Instead of vaping. Get a fucking grip.
you’re hard as nails you are. just because you have a low attention span and not interested in a certain feature doesn’t mean others aren’t either. My guy thinks his opinion is the only opinion or something, check yourself :)
Hi @Edward Saunders and welcome to the planet.

i think its pocorn o clock.
popcorn o clock.PNG
you’re hard as nails you are. just because you have a low attention span and not interested in a certain feature doesn’t mean others aren’t either. My guy thinks his opinion is the only opinion or something, check yourself :)
Lol. And I thought puff counters was something you got in gay bars.
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