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Review Eliquidbar


Putting the soup into super hero
May 14, 2013
These opinions belong to me and I chose all of the words. Plus, seeing as this is a positive review of a great vendor no one should have any problems but you are welcome to complain to Watchdog if you really are that stupid. POTV are not responsible for anything including this review - like, seriously, this one time I left my children with them and they came back late with loads of bits missing. You've been warned. I paid for everything and got nothing for writing this except the intrinsic sense of satisfaction from sharing my opinions about a great company and David McMillan.

This is a review of

Many years ago I used to work a sales rep for Weetabix. My days were spent walking into a cash&carry/corner shop/Asda, while doing 80mph between visits to cram them all in, and smoking 40-60 Rothmans a day. It was stressful. Targets were impossible to achieve, they may as well have tagged on things like 'introduce Top Bran to an outlet on the moon'. That, and the fact that the regional sales manager was a total cunt.

I'm talking about you here, David McMillan. You were an utter cunt. If there was a better word than cunt to describe how much of a cunt you were (and probably still are) I'd use that word instead of cunt. You cunt.

But anyway, the bloke who trained me in Stoke on Trent was responsible to honing my selling skills whilst also introducing me to the concept of chain smoking. Every rep who worked for Weetabix chain-smoked. In between frequent draws on his fag or while lighting up the next one he'd tell me all about Greece. This man fucking loved Greece. Every year he went on holiday with his wife - guess where he went? That's right, Bognor. I lie, he went to Greece. He told me about the house he'd bought there and how...if he managed to last the final five years he had to bleed for the cereal company...he planned to retire and spend his days doing Greek things and eating Greek stuff.

This, along with my school-based education regarding the ancient Greeks, watching Jason & The Argonauts and a book on Greek philosophy was the limit to my knowledge of the place. I've never been there but I'm betting it's pretty nice. It's my experience that hot places bordering the Med have a pretty bloody good attitude to life where family and happiness come before work and meaningless job titles. I'm a big fan of the laissez-faire approach to life, or nεοφιλελεύθερης in Greek (if Google Translate is to be believed).

None of this has anything to do with eliquidbar.com. Well, apart from the fact that they are a Greek company who carry a limited range of vaping stuff. I've made three orders so far, each one having an email sent to mark each stage of order processing. Orders, it should be said, that are processed very quickly and efficiently. Not like David McMillan; if he were running the company everyone would have resigned because he'd been a cunt to them. But he doesn't run the company. Hooray.

I pay the €25 for superfast DHL delivery that takes 2-3 days to reach me, even when the wrong type of sun cancelled a flight from Germany it still arrived within the time-frame.

Every order comes with a little pouch containing samples of juices they sell, which is nice, but mainly they sell the various incarnations of the Nemesis, Atmomixani attys and all of the extras and add-ons for the Atmomixani mods and atomisers.

But there are two main reasons I continue to use them:
Their Nems, even with the DHL charge, have previously come in cheaper than both Pink Mule and inTaste.de.
They tend to hold stock when Pink Mule and inTaste.de have run out.

I realise that by telling you this I've now let the cat out of the bag - but it seems only fair. Plus, I bet David McMillan put the cat in the bag in the first place because he's a cunt.

By your Atmomixani gear from eliquidbar.com.
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