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Employers guidance from PHE.....good news !

It is a good read, I came across it yesterday and have already sent it in to be discussed as an item on our health and safety committee. I like to think that we are a progressive company so will be interested to see how it is considered and implemented into our smoke free policy.
Do you think employers would let folk vape while they work ??

I don't really think they would..

I work for NHS and they've got a policy for everything..

Id like to be wrong.. In some cases but I don't think folks should be able to vape where ever they want..

l sometimes can't see my own telly when I get some clouds going. Imagine if everyone was doing that at the cinema lol
The problem is that common sense was outlawed long ago, long before vaping came into existence.

Cloud chasing has killed whatever chance we had of being able to vape indoors in public or at work, but most of us would accept this.

It gets silly, when, in my industry for example, a bus engineer would get disciplined for vaping beside a bus that was emitting diesel fumes 90 million times more toxic than his vapour.

Now that the experts seem to be in agreement that passive vaping is completely harmless (apart from the lowlife scum at the BMA, which is actually just a trade union for doctors and behaves just like any other trade union), we need some test cases because no-one has the right to ban vaping anywhere in the open air, be it a work car park, hospital grounds or station platforms.
Yes open air should be fair..

At my spot, I can't even vape on the grounds..

Its mad really..
I have passed this on also

working in the nhs as I do my PCT is a little bit more forgiving they just lump vapers with smokers

I am amazed really the amount of nurses, doctors , crews that smoke or take pills to stay awake is crazy so I will see what response I get as vaping is as always seen as drinking the Devils blood I will die kicking a screaming but at least I can be treated by a strung out knackered juinor doctor
Ha ha... I'm glad I have converted all smokers/management and we all now quietly vaping here and there...
If more vapers where wise to common sense i think things could be better. I sub ohm all day but would be more than willing to carry a lesser cloud producing atty around if mtl vaping or restricted lung vaping where to be allowed in places. I think an outright ban is good for food establishments but would love the bus companies, the railways and other none food places to accept there is no need to ban vaping outright, Sub ohm your nads off at home or on a car park, outside the pub etc but restrict it indoors all that is needed is a sign on or outside the entrance to wherever to explain this then it is only the blind who could be forgiven and the people who can't read. Either that or provide a small vape only room
great read there, im actualy quite lucky cos the company i work for, built us a vapers a shed rather than making us stand with the smokers at the gate, plus we are also allowed to vape in the canteen,
but nobody rarely does unless the weather is crap out side, the one big no no is no vaping while working, which is ok as i never smoked while driving, so i wouldnt do it while driving the bus.
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