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Epipe not firing


Dec 29, 2014
Has anyone else has a problem with their epipe 618?

The light comes on but no one's home!

Literally the auto draw works and the light comes on, but it will not fire the coils. I've tried 3 tanks that come with it. Ive also tried an iClear 30 which I've used with it before.
How old is it? I had one and it expired after about 3 months nearly constant use. I went on to a manual pipe after that, by which I mean one that has a Firing Button as opposed to the automatic variety.

From this awful thing

To this wonderful Pipe.

This one is a Jazz Carto 18350
Have you checked that the positive connector isn't squashed down?

If the posi pin is squashed, it might not be sitting high enough to make a connection with the tank?
Most likely what steffijade mentioned. .. although lots of pipe style mods have some internal wiring to make the connection as opposed to being true fully mechanical mods... also worth checking if their is a spring in the battery compartment that this is still springy enough (extends far enough to make a good connection)... is possible that any fault with it can be fixed as long as you can identify it... I have a few mods that I have fixed and a few other that can be fixed... so am not throwing them away yet... have you checked coils and atties all fire on other things first too? If they do could be lack of connection with positive pin.. lack of battery connection although if light comes on is less likely. .. a loose connection in the wiring between 510 and switch/battery somewhere. .. could be an easy fix...
I can't find anything, it I also can get to the insides so there is no real way to check.

I think I'll just invest in a hammer mod.
I want something I can use my rda on anyway.

The carto should be fine but it's never worked on any other mod, mvp/ego.
But other attys do not work on the epipe as it has an auto draw, and Drippers take the air from the sides, not the bottom.

It may be fixable, but my electrical experience is too limited to investigate further.
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