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Ethyl Maltol - WTF?


Jul 18, 2012
Good Evening All!

I have got EM crystals on their way to me - crystals in a 10ml bottle to be diluted to 10% with PG or alcohol.

PLEASE HELP - I've done a couple of searches but I have no idea what 10% is - 10% of what? Do I add 10ml of PG, warm it up and then dilute the 10ml to 10%. Or do I put in the PG and use that as it is? It's doing my head in!

Thank you in advance.

Ill tell you what I did!

10ml of EM crystals into 30ml of PG. I let it sit for about 2 weeks before all the crystals disappeared, shook it up every day a few times a day. Waste not want not!

Now I have a SUPER concentrated EM liquid that only requires a few drops at a time to get it to where I want it :D
Does post 6 here explain it better?

1/4 Tsp to 10ml! Yes it does, and if what I imagine 10g of crystals looks like, it also tallies nicely with what KMS has suggested - it is official - I AM NOW A HAPPY BUNNY. Thank You Both. :cheerful:
Whack about 1 ml of crystals into a 20 ml bottle. Fill the bottle with PG. Stand in a warm water bath (aka mug of warm but not boiling water). Leave overnight. Next day carefully drain about 16 ml off the sediment in the bottle. Fill the bottle with the sediment up to the top and repeat - next day there will be very little sediment in the bottom of the bottle. Drain most of the liquid off into a bottle - rinse out the bottle with the bit of sediment in it. You should have about 30 ml of sediment free saturated Ethyl Maltol solution. I just made up 250 ml of this tonight. It's cheap and simple :)
Where can I get ethyl Malcolm, I think it is the only thing I have missing from my arsenal.

and apologies for the Malcolm I have given up trying to correct my iPad as I'm bored with it. Expect to see more reference to boge cartons and the fact that I love to gape and gaping is a great hobby of mine.
Liberty Flights sell the crystals - DIY section - Perfumers Apprentice. Use the discount code from here for 10% off or set up your own code.
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