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EU's New Tobacco Directive - Could kill millions


Jul 4, 2013

In the EU, where fully one-third of the adult population still smokes, there are almost 700,000 smoking-related deaths each year. The region is number one worldwide in the devastating effects of smoking — with this exception: In Sweden, the only EU country where snus is not banned, only 16 percent of men smoke. This fact has been validated since those statistics began to be accumulated after World War II. The Swedish male population consumes more nicotine in the form of snus than from cigarettes — and they have the lowest rate of smoking-related disease and death in Europe to show for it. End quote
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Crazy isn't it? I've followed lung cancer rates in Sweden for a couple of years now, and draw a lot of parallels with vaping. That's one of the reasons why I'm so worried for us. Bears no relationship to common sense.
It's not about common sense, it's money. Same with ecigs as with snus. An Italian MEP put it best a couple weeks ago...

Italy’s coffers registered a loss of EUR 132 million, corresponding to a fall in revenue from duty on tobacco of approximately 7.6%. Of course, this shortfall cannot be completely blamed on the increasing use of electronic cigarettes, but it is certainly partly responsible


In light of the above, can the Council state what action it intends to take to address the differences in tax revenue materialising in State coffers following the proliferation of electronic cigarettes, which currently appear to be free from any form of duty?

Says it all really.
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Well there you go. In black and white.
Dunno what to say to that, except that whilst we all believed this to be the reason, didn't think anybody would come out and say it on the record.
I couldnt see the Councils response on your link .Has that been reported anywhere do you know?
Well there you go. In black and white. I couldnt see the Councils response on your link .Has that been reported anywhere do you know?

Took a bit, but found this under 'answers' here

As the Honourable Member is aware, the Council works in the taxation area on the basis of proposals from the Commission. For the time being, no specific Commission proposal has been tabled concerning the taxation of electronic cigarettes.
Think the key words here are 'for the time being!'

I don't see how they can ever tax ecigs, a ban (or regulation that effects the same) is the only option. Remember... the tax on cigarettes has always been justified as a sin tax because of the negative health effects and additional care smokers will need and the damage they do to the environment / each other.

There's just no way they can justify anything like the same tax on vaping.
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