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Review eVic VT

keep us updated on how you get on , as this may be something i might consider , not that it affects me , but if theres gonna be a new firmware to sort any bug...i want a new one or a way to update the f/w(altho joyetech have already said not updateable)

Iposted this in another thread but this could be the reason they have paused production.....

View attachment 55708

Apparently this is a 'design' feature :20:

"Yes we are aware of this on the internet and he is pointing out a feature of the way this device works, as it is a new device that performs differently than anything before it, there has been issues raised where there should not have been.

In Power (wattage) mode, the first time the button is pressed after turning the device on, or fitting a new coil, the eVic VT runs through an atomizer test sequence that applies 25-40W initial power for a very short period (0.75 to 1.5 seconds depending on atomizer resistance). This test establishes whether the fitted atomizer is VT capable or not, and is performed once only after a new atomizer is fitted or the device is powered up. For all subsequent button presses the device goes straight to the correct voltage. We have tried to burn out a number of different coil designs by repeatedly removing and refitting atomizers to an eVic VT, and although there is the odd crackle as the atomizer quickly warms up, we have not managed to cause any burning of coils or wicks in any atomizer we have tried.

This is how the device is meant to function and there is no issue with the units.

Kind Regards"
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