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Evod starter kit


Feb 8, 2014
Well I'm sure most of you will have seen this type of post over and over again, anyway here's your chance to get and read about a similar one again.....sorry for that.

I'm week 3 into my vaping and have so much time on my hands of an evening, not having to roll a minimum 20 rollies a night, gosh work that in days weeks and years.... lots of time wasted.
I have now moved onto the Evod starter unit, and am very happy with the result, although the engineering of the prouct is too good in my eyes, the button is near to a perfect fit around the batteries body, making it very difficult to use in the dark. we have settled on a juice both my wife and I enjoy, and don't in the short term intend to experiment with any other, didn't like any of the fruity one's I tasted, so will stick with the one I enjoy.
With regards the Evod, when I first used it... I felt I was sucking air, it seemed there was less resistance in taking a drag than what I was experiencing with my cheapo's, but after a little experimenting...it just seems perfect, good taste, no bunrt aftertaste...just plain and simple satisfaction.

Just wanted to share this with you good people, still learning loads, but have not even thought about a stinky..my mates at work are flabbergasted that I have given up the rollies, it used to be me my toolbox and my rollie.

Hi @johnmandy well that is good news that you and your wife are settling in with it so congrats to both of you. The evods are a good starter kit, maybe in time you will want to try something else as most do. Not long after having my Evod I bought a little Octopus dripping atomiser,a 1.2 -1.5 ohm coil on it and it takes your fave juice to another level, cheap as chips as well. Out of interest what liquid is it you and the wife like? You will find that if you stick to one for too long you may well end up losing the flavour of it due to vapers tongue.
Hiya,I'll second the advice about getting at least one other flavour,

I myself found a flavour I loved and stuck to it-after a few days,I couldn't taste it! After searching on here,I found the probable cause-got some menthol juice and some more flavours,another tank-just for the menthol one,and hey presto,I have my taste buds back-just something to bear in mind.If you go the menthol route,it's best if you get a tank just for that juice alone-otherwise all your other flavours will end up tasting slightly of menthol
I went from a CE4 to an EVOD and im glad i did! I still use my CE4s for my other flavours but the EVOD works so much better, i recommend it to anyone
Hi John, I also have an EVOD starter kit and after using a ViperCig to start off it's weird how little it takes to get a good hit. It really is a good little kit. Congrats on quitting the cigs and staying off them. I've just done a week of vaping, and loving it so far. Helps me stay focused coz I'm not having to leave my desk and head outside to smoke every thirty mins or so...my carer is happy for me to vape in the house and that's always a plus :D
Waves of Vapor, bestcigliquid, Amazing Vaping & SmokShop all make good juices
Well I'm sure most of you will have seen this type of post over and over again, anyway here's your chance to get and read about a similar one again.....sorry for that.

I'm week 3 into my vaping and have so much time on my hands of an evening, not having to roll a minimum 20 rollies a night, gosh work that in days weeks and years.... lots of time wasted.
I have now moved onto the Evod starter unit, and am very happy with the result, although the engineering of the prouct is too good in my eyes, the button is near to a perfect fit around the batteries body, making it very difficult to use in the dark. we have settled on a juice both my wife and I enjoy, and don't in the short term intend to experiment with any other, didn't like any of the fruity one's I tasted, so will stick with the one I enjoy.
With regards the Evod, when I first used it... I felt I was sucking air, it seemed there was less resistance in taking a drag than what I was experiencing with my cheapo's, but after a little experimenting...it just seems perfect, good taste, no bunrt aftertaste...just plain and simple satisfaction.

Just wanted to share this with you good people, still learning loads, but have not even thought about a stinky..my mates at work are flabbergasted that I have given up the rollies, it used to be me my toolbox and my rollie.


Hi john, what flavour have you settled on ATM?
I've just stocked up on my locals snake oil clone band I can't put the stuff down. Like everyone's saying I've found it good to keep another flavour around to swap to every now and then. Blueberry and snake oil right now
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