Right lets sort this out once and for all, What is known to you as the vGo2, is An ego battery with a Boge type cartomiser and a cone cover to make it look nice.
Disregarding the battery as its almost standard across all Rebranded kits you are left with the cartomiser / cone combo, you can forget the cone as thats just decorative.
Now we come to the Important bit Evod or Cartomiser? For me, evods win every time, cartomisers can give good results but are pretty limited, evods hold more juice, are easier to clean out so you can swap juices and have replaceable heads.
Initially carto's look cheaper per unit - but wait until one blows its coil just after you've filled it - you lose that juice forever, with an evod you tip it upside down, unscrew the old head and fit a new one, the juice stays in the tank and all you lose is the little bit in the head, same thing for swapping juices, with a carto you'll either have to spend ages washing it out, letting it dry then refilling or use a new one.
Evods are much easier to deal with after the first attempt, To change juices you can empty the tank into a bottle if its not empty, then rinse it and the head under a tap, dry with some kitchen towel refill and vape all while still waiting for the carto to dry...
Both carto's and evods are bottom coil, but top or bottom coil is a personal choice and can even change from juice to juice...