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External vs. Inbuilt battery

Iftkhar Rashid

Jun 5, 2018
Lol as ever perusing!
Fancy a little something- looking at some box mods like iJoy and the Eleaf ones.
I've seen a iJoy one with 5000mAh in built -
Will this give similar performance / duration to say something that takes external batteries (i.e 2500 x 2 mAh)?
Yeah it will.
But the issue with inbuilt battery mods is that once the battery takes a dump the mod could well be goosed. Not saying it will, but it's a factor. And it's ijoy, who's reliability is questionable.

Unless you really want it and/or there's no alternative I'd always go down the removable cell route tbh.
As above, the issue with internal batteries is that when they die, the mod dies. Doesn't suit me as I'm happy still using the same old mods .......... but for you it might not matter?
I am happy using both However with internal battery when it needs charging its an ornament, with external batteries just pop more in and carry on vaping
External battery every time for me.
You can always carry a spare battery with you when out and about so it is easy to swap out a dead battery.
If an internal battery dies, you're snookered.
Thanks all,
Yeah true say , on balance external batteries have the edge due to replacability when batteries are over.

As an aside, I've only moved over to mod with external batteries a couple of months ago. How long do batteries last, I've got avatar 3000mah, I use daily, charge to full of an evening.

Thanks again
Depends on the what load you put those batteries under, the logic for battery life isn't a great deal different to any other kind of battery (greater strain and more frequent recharges = shorter life).

For some context:
I run two different dual sets of 18650 batteries, 2x3000mah and 2x2500mah, both Samsungs at around or less than 20 watts, and they're still kicking along great (solid day and a half+ from both) after around a year (i rotate between the two sets). They've had a little use in higher wattage builds, but i prefer the lower end (for convenience if not battery life).
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@Iftkhar Rashid
Most 18650 batteries are rated for 300 - 500 charge cycles before they lose too much performance.
That is charging to 4.2v and discharging to around 2.5 - 2.8v.
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