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Need a new mod with long battery life


Dec 16, 2019
My trusty MVP5 has served me well for 4 years and the battery no longer last more than a day and a half. It, combined with my Zenith Pro have been my only setup that whole time. When it was new I used to get 3 days out of it.

I'm looking for a new mod which will give me a similar battery life. The MVP5 doesn't seem to be available any more and apparently there's no MVP6.

I bought a iPower 2 which claims a 5,000 mAh battery assuming this would perform silimarly to the MVP5 at the same 17W setting with it's 5,200 battery, but the iPower is atrocious and barely lasts one day. Either it's faulty or falsely advertised.

I'm REALLY keen to avoid needing to carry spare batteries or have an external charger. Tried that before, hated it. I also get the feeling that most 18650 based mods aren't designed to really be charged by plugging in and assume you're going to remove the batteries to charge them externally.

Is there anything on the market currently suitable for me?
Innokin may be the outlier because I think they prioritise safety Etc., but basically all manufacturers lie about capacity. Seen countless mods ripped open on youtube only to find for e.g. an 1800 mah battery where it's stated as 2200mah.

Can't help you specifically, unfortunately all co's seem to have moved mainly to disposables and pods. But this Geekvape (I've considered but not actually bought so no personal experience) looks close to what you want. Only 3700mah, but to counter that has usb-c quick charge, and their stuff is a step build quality wise from your iPowers and the like (but maybe not as good as Innokin).

I don't think you'll find another 3 day vape though I might be wrong. No old stock MVP5s available?
Yeah, really not looking like the mvp5; s in stock anywhere. I can see why, they're amazing! I mean, granted I've never found the altimeter that useful, but the battery life and build quality were phenomenal.
Aspire Zelos 3 might fit the bill of whats currently out there.
Another approach would be to buy a standard dual 18650 mod and a pair of 3,500mah batteries from Fogstar. You won't get 7,000 mah from them because the mod will automatically shut down if it detects a cell has dropped to about 3.2V, but you should realistically be able to use 5,500 plus which is more than you would ever get from the MVP5. When the batteries start to get tired and no longer provide the run time you need just replace the batteries.

A pair of 18650s will be heavier than a lipo battery but if you get a lightweight mod like the Vaporesso Gen 200, the mod and battery weight combined will be lighter than the MVP5.

Charging batteries in a mod can be done - it is a question of preference. Things can go wrong if you charge via a mod or a battery charger - what is most important is that you are actually present and awake when you charge batteries, going to bed or leaving your home leaving batteries charging when you aren't there is the biggest no no.

the biggest advantage of having a battery charger is you can charge batteries and still use your mod or have a spare set ready charged for when you need them so there is no wait time - but yes, you do have to have spare batteries to get the full benefits of external charging.

One thing to remember is 3,500mah batteries will only be rated at 10 Amps - this is plenty for vaping at your typical MTL wattages as you will only be pulling 5 Amps but if at a later date you decide to vape a higher powered DL vape they aren't suitable and you will have to use higher Amp batteries to avoid problems.
i bought the vaporesso gen 200 and 4 18650's so i can have 2 ready to swap. it lasts for 4-5 days and i vape like a train
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