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Tom D

Aug 3, 2013
Before my finger goes nuts on the add to cart button, has anyone purchased stuff from these guys and are they ok, I'm guessing shipping can't be any slower than fasttech. I need the innokin grenade lol


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Not heard of them
But what is it with innokin and weapons, first a gatling gun and now a grenade, what next a UZI :lol1:
Fairy gift`s? Mmmm!! :54: A PV shaped like a grenade :11: Not off to a very good start here are we? :rotflmao:Sorry Tom D I could not resist that, not used them myself so cannot comment, just make sure you are sat in a bunker with plenty of sand bags when you fire her up :rules2:
I dunno mate but I know I need one a these. They have some nice gear on the site, I'm off ordering now.
Do you reckon it would make it through customs? It could cause a bit of a scare that could.
Saw this when PBusardo visited the Innokin stall the other week. I like the Coolfire 1 that isn't a grenade but it looks like it doesn't have the same features.
Yeah can imagine if it rolled out of its box onto cutoms floor might cause a bit of delay, im just waiting for a email on the price.
Saw this when PBusardo visited the Innokin stall the other week. I like the Coolfire 1 that isn't a grenade but it looks like it doesn't have the same features.

That one looks like the non military version.
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