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Falling in love with my Cobra Atomiser all over again...

Kin ell springs to my mind, and is it wrong to like it when PF swears?.....lol
lol .. just watched the vid .. insane !
So you rate the nickel chrome over kanthal?

I cant really rate either to be honest as I am dumb when it comes to either, but the Nickel Chrome was easier to "fix" when there was a hot spot, whereas with the kanthal, it didn't give you many chances before it was totally fooked. I wrapped two times with the Nickel to get this coil in the video, the Kanthal I was redoing several times.
Hey, it pulls out quite a lot of steam :)
Right now I am coiling double coil nichrome 0.16, which should be the equivalent of using 0.32, resistance-wise, but I am on the cue to get some of that 0.212 from Lee.
Did you put some kind of insulator on the terminal post or it's just the way it is?

Has anybody ever seen 0.25 kanthal on sale somewhere by the way?
No insulator, the center pin on the Cobra has knurled bits that screw on and off a brass pin.

I dont know shit about wires and ohms... if its any hint what the ohms are on this, I cant take my vv past 3.2volts
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