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Not the least bit tempted to smoke Jacky...just doesn't register anymore..now I know just how awful the smell of it is....nup no thanks, had 28 years of that....goodbye stinkies! :)

As for that thing where smokers leave half way through a conversation? Yeah I noticed that too...they come back and completely forget what was talked about...fecking annoying!

I'm not tempted either, but it's not because of the smell.

Every now and then I'll flap my hands around and realise I'm looking for my fags and lighter, but it's not because I want to smoke! It does usually mean I'm getting a craving though so I grab the nic salt set up I've always got on hand and have a few toots on that. Then I'm fine again :)
Not quite, lol. I was congratulating @Deaf Vaper for having hit 90 days, not saying I was at 90 :D As you can see from the banner info.
Oh fook me yea!! Note to self: learn to read :D

But you did join the forum at around the same time as us, so half brother will do :D
Oh aye, doh. My eyes are a bit blurry tonight, was a bit warm for me today, that's my excuse and I'm stickin' to it!!
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