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Fire services issue warning after Kent man's e-cigarette explodes in child's bedroom

Tbh, the only question I want answered..... WTF was he doing charging the thing in a childs bedroom??
Tbh, the only question I want answered..... WTF was he doing charging the thing in a childs bedroom??

This report was filmed in our main shop. The guy is actually from London and was staying in the kids bedroom overnight at his Mums house. He brought the device from an unknown company on the internet, which came will full instructions advising not to charge on an iphone. When I spoke to him he said nobody reads the small print. Live and learn. On a good note, it did not put him off ecigs so we sent him away with a free kit, juice and charger.

The firemen all vape at the local station and are our customers which is why it was filmed at our shop. South East Today also done a very good report similar, which is on our facebook page
This report was filmed in our main shop. The guy is actually from London and was staying in the kids bedroom overnight at his Mums house. He brought the device from an unknown company on the internet, which came will full instructions advising not to charge on an iphone. When I spoke to him he said nobody reads the small print. Live and learn. On a good note, it did not put him off ecigs so we sent him away with a free kit, juice and charger.

The firemen all vape at the local station and are our customers which is why it was filmed at our shop. South East Today also done a very good report similar, which is on our facebook page

Now, wouldn't you agree this is information that wasn't supplied to us?

The report said an ecig was charged in a childs bedroom, but we now know (thanks to you), that he was staying in that room. kinda changes the situation yes?

Goes to show the full facts never get in the way of a good story yeah?
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