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First Build.


Nov 8, 2015
Hi to all you good apes.

I've just started to make and wick my own coils. First build was on a Velocity clone, which originally didn't go very well and the first to coils were discarded to the bin. However, I persevered and eventually came up with an acceptable build, well to me anyways.:18: Since then I have made and wicked coils for both my Zephyrus tanks and I must say I'n not improving as quickly as I thought I might. I do have terrible problems with my hands (off to the hospital tomorrow to see the consultant) and find it a tad difficult to get the exact results I'm after, or those I've seen you guys and gals post, along with youtube vids, which make it look so simple.

I know I'm trying run here before I can walk, but I'm putting in an order for Gearbest and was wondering what, if any, different wires I should consider adding to the order, twisted, ribbon, SS, Nickel, etc and what gauges should I consider. As said I have the Velocity clone and a pair of re-buildable Zephyrus tanks, but I'm also looking at other dripping type offerings. Thanks in advance and here's my first build and please give it to me straight. Constructive criticism very welcome.

Looking good there @pava & it'll only get better with practice

I'm no coiling expert but looking there, & it's a common problem I run into, is that the posts are wider than your coil so you've adjusted the angle of the legs to fit.

As you'll see, you've pulled one wrap out of place doing this, I did it a lot in my early days but what I do now is I grip the coil with a pair of pliers, then adjust the legs to fit the posts so it doesn't disrupt the coil
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I'm not sure what exactly is the problem you are having, buying different wires isn't really going to make it any easier though you can get more manageable wire like ni80 which even in thicker gauge wire is a lot easier to wrap.
What gauge to buy just depends on what resistance you want to build at.
I suggest watching this video as it has help I lot of people I know that I can't physically show
I have nothing practical to offer, just wanted to say i think you are doing fine.
It took me a few epic building sessions till it clicked and became easy.
A bit like learning to ride a bike or to swim, it goes from almost impossible to easy fairly quickly.
so keep at it, keep watching videos because you pick up different tips that work for you from different sources.
I am no help on wire,
Good luck
Welcome to the world of rebuilding. As above, manipulate the legs with pliers so the coil isn't disrupted.

Master the art of the standard microcoil first, that's the basics and then try twisted coils and/or parallel coils for the next step.

For wire, I now use nichrome80 only. And I buy from nobody but stealthvape (www.stealthvape.co.uk)

Make sure when using stealthvape that you add free cotton onto your order, nice little freebie and you can never ever have enough cotton
Thanks for the replies and the advice. I sat wrapping coils early this morning and was thinking about making the coils about 8-10 wraps, thus getting the legs "inline" with the posts to try make life a little easier for myself. I have a couple of re-buildable mtl tanks on the way, so 1.4-1.8 ohm builds for them and I've been aiming for around 0.2-0.4 ohm in the Velocity and the Zephyrus.

I have 3 mods, Wismec Reuleaux RX200, istick TC60W, both have temp control and a Smok XPRO BT65 and I was thinking that with a little more practice I might start making coils for TC, but I have to start genning up on TC before I dip my toes in the water. The good thing is, I'm on holiday this week and my wife is going into hospital for a knee replacement tomorrow, so instead of sitting around like a spare part whilst wifey gets sorted, I'm gonna be mixing, coil making and exploring what my mods can really do. That should keep me out of mischief for the week.:18: The down side of all this is, that I will have more time to spend on here to annoy the crap out of you all. :2thumbsup:
Thanks for the replies and the advice. I sat wrapping coils early this morning and was thinking about making the coils about 8-10 wraps, thus getting the legs "inline" with the posts to try make life a little easier for myself. I have a couple of re-buildable mtl tanks on the way, so 1.4-1.8 ohm builds for them and I've been aiming for around 0.2-0.4 ohm in the Velocity and the Zephyrus.

I have 3 mods, Wismec Reuleaux RX200, istick TC60W, both have temp control and a Smok XPRO BT65 and I was thinking that with a little more practice I might start making coils for TC, but I have to start genning up on TC before I dip my toes in the water. The good thing is, I'm on holiday this week and my wife is going into hospital for a knee replacement tomorrow, so instead of sitting around like a spare part whilst wifey gets sorted, I'm gonna be mixing, coil making and exploring what my mods can really do. That should keep me out of mischief for the week.:18: The down side of all this is, that I will have more time to spend on here to annoy the crap out of you all. :2thumbsup:

For the MTL builds, I'd stick to kanthal wire. Just for the reason that the ohms will be highest, for the sub ohm 0.2-0.4 I suggest nichrome 80, ramp up time Is quicker and it's easier to work with in my opinion.

http://www.steam-engine.org/coil.asp is a great website to know how many wraps to use for a certain resistance on a certain wire. I hope Mrs pava gets better soon, and you can never annoy us enough for any advice, tips or tricks that we have :)
I'm not sure what exactly is the problem you are having, buying different wires isn't really going to make it any easier though you can get more manageable wire like ni80 which even in thicker gauge wire is a lot easier to wrap.
What gauge to buy just depends on what resistance you want to build at.
I suggest watching this video as it has help I lot of people I know that I can't physically show

Just watched that video @crunchynut and instantly recognised what I've been doing wrong. well I think I have.:18: I was tightening the positive post first and the video shows to tighten the negative leg first, which made the job look a great deal simpler than my efforts.

@chopper thanks for the advice. I ordered a sample pack of Kanthal from Stealvape a while ago and also got a free reel of Kanthal and free cotton into the bargain, so still plenty to choose from there. My Zephyrus tanks came with a 0.15 ohm Ni200 coil, but I've not used it, as at the time I did not have a TC mod. So with Nichrome 80, which gauges would you suggest I potentially purchase?

I was playing with different inputs in steam-engine early this morning, but I was getting tired and I wasn't fully taking in what I was seeing. I will be checking it out again later, that's for sure.

My wife thanks you for the good will message, as do I. The things I love about this forum, it has great members who willingly pass on advice and tips, often with comprehensive information, but above all, it is done with genuine sincerity, which was the single biggest factor to my joining this forum.
Yeah, don't worry about posting questions pal, there's many helpful apes to help you out. If you're like me, you won't have any real life "vape mates" that you can just ask which makes this place awesome, it's arsehole free too, unlike many other forums

I think you starting out on RDAs is a great step too, I wish I'd started out on them to be honest rather than tanks as they're way more simple, less parts for the coil to short on, more versatile & you don't have to worry too much about wicking.

I've only ever used kanthal so I can't recommend any other wires I'm afraid. I've only ever used my Velocity's too (I was so impressed with the first one I got myself a second). Though I do have a Mutation X v4, a Fishbone (purely because of the look) that I've never used with a Mad Hatter v2 & Tsunami on it's way. Plenty of options out there, this place is great for info & the FT forums are actually pretty good for reading up on other hardware options

& of course all the best to Mrs Pava, remember you're going to have to find time with all this mixng & coiling to take her grapes & flowers ;)
@johnnyace, again thanks for the input. The problem I've got, is that I need to be extremely discrete when I vape at work, hence the Nautilus mtl for work, but I'm getting some real use out of both the Velocity and the Zephyrus now that that I'm getting into coil making, not to mention better taste, oh, and clouds.:18: I sat in the car waiting to go into the dentist this morning, took a huge draw from the Zephyrus and almost lost my Mrs in the cloud that formed on the inside of the car.:rotflmao: Looks like I've got more research to do into drippers too.

My wife and I went shopping today for fruit for her to take into hospital. Should have bought salad too, coz that's all she eats, which is why I don't take her out to dinner, unless it's Sunday dinner, coz she orders a £20 bloody salad. Joking apart, thank you from both of us for the best wishes.
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