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First mec mod ??

Having cruised the forums at FT, I have tried to get a handle on what are popular mods. Obviously some get old, new come along but, the two benchmark mods seem to be Nemesis and Stingray. The 4Nine also seems to be going down a storm.

I don't own any of these, so I would be interested to know how they compare.
I've not long got my stingray from ft and I think it's awesome. I've got an aerotank mega with a 1.2 coil on it and the taste is bang on and it throws out clouds. Actually I've just put some snake oil in it that I got from a local supplier so we'll see how that goes

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4nine may not be the best for a first mech. No button lock, needs button batteries and potential for issues may not be a first timer unit. Not saying dont, just that it is a tiny thing and can be an acquired taste
Ive just had a hcigar nemesis from vapegeek or something and its my first mech mod. Using a naturevape midi on it and the coil is 1.5 ohms and its great. Cant fault it as of yet

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