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First mech build, advice?


Mar 15, 2018
I'm going to the beach tomorrow and would like to take something smaller than my usual build.
I have an understanding of OHM's law and have some experience in RBA builds and making coils. I have a ton of different premade coils as well.

Would it work well if put my Dvawr with a 1.2ohm build on Eleaf Pico Squeeze 50W, should it vape similarly to the 12w I have it running on my regulated mod with 1x Samsung 25r?

I'm also hoping to make a build in the wasp nano tonight as I haven't tried sqonking in many months. I'm reading that 0.35-0.50 is an ideal range. It seems to vape well around 50w but I'm thinking I should keep it around 40w to not push the batteries. Would a build between 0.35-0.40 be ideal? I also read that more complicated coils are not suitable. Any advice/recommendations?


Yes the Dvarw should work similarly on the squeeze as it'll just output 4.2 volts at a full charge (squeeze users please correct if I'm mistake), which is what you'll be roughly getting at 12w.

With a 25r, you could quite happily stick her at .3Ω. Again, I stand to be corrected by regular Squeeze users, but if memory serves the Squeeze isn't mechanical. It should offer some protection against shorts and over-discharging your batteries, so I wouldn't be getting too twitchy. As always though, your thorough understanding of ohms law should keep you safe regardless, provided you've not got any shorts in your build.
I probably have a bit of a simple view. I think of anything without adjustable wattage as unregulated, though I know some have protections and others don't. I ran the calculations through steam engine and also got 12w, I just wanted to confirm before trying it out.
How does this look?
First impressions, this is a lot more responsive than my Geekvape Aegis Legend. I've not used enough mods to say if this is specific to the Aegis or regulated mods in general. The only complaint is that it's really top heavy. At least this mod has a magnetic base.


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That's fine. You'll be getting 14.7w with a fully charged battery which will drop to 11.4w when the battery's voltage drops to its nominal capacity of 3.7v. Pulling a mere 3.5 amp, you'll get plenty of battery life and vape time.
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