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First noob setup....

Hahahaha, has, sorry couldn't help my self. Very sensible questions etc until you stated : try to wait a few weeks before parting with more cash". Bet you pound to a penny you don't do it. Only way you will manage that is to turn the computer off and not read POTV.

lol...you know how it works. Before I went to bed last night I spunked another 20 quid on juice from Kraken, hopefully the Evod will arrive before the wet stuff. Guess I could always steep if for day or so, haha get me! I think you are right, I need to switch off until I lose my virginity.
also you will find that making your own juice will help curb the exspense and will be more satisfying
do what I do.... read it while your at work lol

Way ahead of you.

To be honest I think i will perpetually a noob in regards to vaping. It's such a personal venture & every one taste can vary so much in regards to kit & juices which is pretty awesome. I did the expensive route instead of seeking advise i just bought tanks, cleros & atties etc before i found what I liked. :( My wallet hated me.
I started with rechargeable e-cigs, then upgraded to an evod & clearo. In the first week of using that i knew i needed something with more welly so bought a mechanical mod. Havn't used it yet but will be this week & then i'll know the story a bit more.
The kangertech evod with a clearo' is fine but i just can't get enough vape from it quickly enough. Hoping the mod & new batteries will overcome that part.
There's food for thought.
This might sound a bit lame but here goes.........

got my first delivery today and all good. When I manage to put it down, how are you meant to leave it? Standing on its end? Laying down? Take it apart? Or doesn't it really matter?

thanks in advance...hope I don't have to take it to bed tonight!
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