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First rda

Velocity clone is good to start with m8 as long as its good! Sapor is good as its practically leakproof, tsunami is great that's wot I'm using at this moment in time! I suggest something with a velocity deck as they are great to build on
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Wotofo Lush, good starter RDA and its authentic and cheap, Kennedy 24 clones are variable but Shadeevaoing have good ones, ern without knowing your preferences that would be my choices. I found the velocity a leaky mess of an RDA, but that's me :)
Hello & welcome to the planet.
If you let people know what kit you have been using and what you want out of your dripper you might get some tailored advice.
Velocity or velocity type rda are the drippers of the moment but what is best for you depends on what sort of wattage you want to vape at, whether you are looking for the biggest clouds, best flavour etc.
Enjoy the forum.
I'm using the subox mini with rda at the moment but want to upgrade to a dripper which will give me lots of flavor and clouds cheers people
Thinking of the mad hatter or revolt what do you all think and also which mod is best to run them?
I also started with a velocity RDA due to the ease of building and wicking. It's also a very good RDA in terms of flavour and clouds [emoji4]
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