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First time mixing and no flavor

So nearly a weak on and the first batch still has absolutely minimum flavor. I mixed a fresh batch but only used 5% flavor. Mixed for a minute with the coffee frother and after only two days of shaking and steeping I can already see the potential in this batch of I leave for a week or two.

The problem I now have is that all the flavor is on the exhale and nothing on the inhale. Could this be the lack of pg in the mix? I'm not a fan of pg but if helps give flavor I'm willing to give it a go or are there other alternatives for helping with flavor. I see alot of recipes with distilled water or vodka but presume this is mainly for th
I tasted each concentrate, which don't advise doing, and there is definitely a lot of flavor in them. Still had no response from them though

I have just bought the same kit from uk flavours and I have contacted them via Facebook over flavouring percentages. I must say that Sarah from UKF has been extremely helpful and even given me a recipe to go by. She also suggested leaving mixes for at least 7 days before vaping. Maybe worth trying to contact her thro fb, she has been replying pretty much straight away, even out of office hours.
Now just hoping the juice is good to go in a weeks time!

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Purely by accident I found out I wasn't putting enough heat through and taking vg's higher heat resistance into account. My mech ran out if battery so I used a vw that was cranked up and the flavor was great. I found that 10‰ is about right for most things. Get yourself a coffee frother and most things are good to go after 24 hours but as with everything they do get better with time
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