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Fishbone plus

Well I'm going to buck the trend here and say that I love it.

I've been using mine for a couple of days with a 7 wrap 27awg dual kanthal .7 ohm vaping at 45 watts.

A cloud chucker it is not but the flavour is fantastic.

No spitback at all and so far (2 builds) I've not broken any of the posts and it's not leaked at all.

If you chain vape the drip tip gets warm but nothing unusual about that as most of my drip tips get warm whilst chain vaping.

To be honest I didn't do my homework and was looking for a stealthy tank and bought this by accident and I'm so glad I did.

It's not a dripper for fancy clapton coils as they just wont fit on the deck but the flavour is awesome just using kanthal wire.


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