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Flashback - 1st E-cigarette?

An over priced cigalike set from nucig. The batteries stopped working and the cartos ran out after an hour or two. I got jaw ache from sucking really hard to get some nicotine. Shit.

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After 2 years totally smoke free, I started getting really stressed as my Dads Alzheimers got worse. Determined not to crack, I went and bought an E-lite kit from the local supermarket and a pack of carto refills.

Quite honestly the biggest waste of money I've ever spent. Poor battery life. And how many puffs per carto? About 10% of what they tell you. And the flavour? Both menthol and tobacco were putrid, like they'd been filled with the juice that drips out of the bottom of a compost heap.

2 days later I was back on the Marlboros.

A few experiments with various devices later and I'm happily puffing on an Ego one.
Mine was last year was a disposable one from a corner shop didn't last as long as it said got put off vaping.then last December I got a ce4 and pen style from a local vape shop along with a blueberry juice and never looked back.
Mine was a cheapo evod with a Kanger TS3 Clearo. I vaped halo Virginia exclusively for 2 months, thinking I could only get tobacco flavours!. They started me off on 0.6 too and I was chain vaping the crap out of it until I realised their was different strengths haha

Passed the kit onto my boss today so she can give up the stinkies, being the only smoker left in the building think she feels a bit left out :/
My first was a cigalike from VIP a few years ago then I went to London a few weeks after that and got bombarded with a stand to do with elites got one lasted 2 weeks and went back to cigs, 3 months ago I got a little ego kit from a local vape shop and after a month I got the istick50 and a sub tank mini and been happy ever since :D
My first e-cig was a crappy ego 600 mah battery and an awful clearomizer from a local store. Although looking back it was terrible quality and damned expensive to replace clearo's constantly and not to mention GURGLING it was still a eureka moment when it dawned on me immediately that I could stop smoking after 30 years because even with the crappy gear it still replicated smoking better than anything I had ever come across. So hurrah for my shoddy ego set up as it actually ended up being worth it weight in gold and started me on a hobby which I still love today.
Mine was an e lite or e-lite , whatever they're called I wouldn't give them the time of day by checking .

Then I had a big old break from ecigs .

Then I had carto type refillable cig alikes I think from myepack , then I had a big brake from ecigs

Then I had and ego and protank type affair , then I joined here kept going and quit smoking .
My first set up was a Skycig kit that I picked up for a fiver on Boxing Day during a special offer. The week after I bought an ego kit and that was when I stopped smoking.

I've still got the Skycig kit, and will never get rid of it. Way too important to be thrown away. ;)
Summer 2009: First awareness of ecigs was a conversation outside a pub where a guy was going on about seeing someone using one 'I kid you not it looked like a real ciggy honest! and smoke comes out and everything!' Really?

May 2010: First clapped eyes on one. Guy brought a 'Smartsmoker' to work and used it in the office. Had a drag. Laughed.

July 2010: Bought an E-lite kit. Didn't get me off my roll ups but got me interested enough to find an ecig forum and ordered some ego batteries and cartomisers. After a few weeks I found I enjoyed it more

...and so began the search for that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow ...that 'perfect' vape set up

Occasionally I think I've found it...then ooooh what's that...?
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